Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A History of Their Education
e-book • 220 pages • $34.00
Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders looks at the field of special education with regard to students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Specifically, it reflects on some of the important events and people that have shaped the field of special education. This book not only recalls prominent events and individuals, it also seeks to draw reasonable connections from past to present and to highlight how succeeding generations of special educators used, or failed to use, the insights of those who struggled earlier with the same or similar issues.
Today’s circumstances and views about special education are grounded in the past. For this reason, we must examine what has transpired in the past. Trying to understand as objectively as possible what has happened in past decades and centuries will help us better ask questions and construct better answers, not only to current issues but also to those issues and problems the future will bring. If you work with children who have emotional or behavioral disorders, you’ll appreciate greatly the contents of this important work.
- Why History and What Kind?
- Before the Twentieth Century
- Early Twentieth Century—1900 to 1960
- The 1960s to the End of the Century
- Perpetual Issues and Their Historical Roots
- Postscript
ISBN-13: 978-1-41640-054-7 | Order #1023