Is It Sensory Or Is It Behavior? 2nd Edition
Complete Kit – Manual with Laminated Cards • $72.00
Sensory and behavior issues are often intermingled and become a concern when they interfere with a child’s development or well-being. This second edition of Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior? merges research in sensory integration and processing with education and behavior, draws upon current best practices, and is grounded in the authors’ many years of clinical experience. Parents and professionals who use this book will better understand why children adopt certain behaviors, recognize the many factors affecting the individual that contribute to the behaviors, and be able to identify when there is a sensory base. Readers will learn strategies to address the causes, teach replacement behaviors (coping strategies), and eliminate the need for the undesirable behaviors.
Topics addressed include:
• assessment and intervention
• sensory-based differences
• social/communication issues
• behavior analysis
• management of challenging behaviors and temper tantrums
• identification and implementation of preventative strategies
The case studies and worksheets in the book provide concrete methods to aid in analyzing the functions of behavior and determining root causes, offer practical strategies to address the sensory and behavior contributions to the undesirable behavior, and facilitate a multidisciplinary approach.
The kit also contains laminated cards that guide behavior analysis and offer intervention strategies for challenging behaviors.
E-book also available.
ISBN-13: 978-1-60251-0371 | Order #1030